BOERenmarkt XL
Discover, taste and experience the culinary food festival
Sunday 9 and Monday 10 September 2018
Let yourself be surprised by all the wonderful things that the provinces have to offer at the BOERenmarkt XL! In this free market, visitors discover the various artisan farmers and (wine) suppliers of Jonnie and Thérèse Boer and fellow restaurants.
Dutch Cuisine
During your visit to the BOERenmarkt XL, you will get to know the rich range of products and ingredients from Dutch soil in an easy and accessible way. This year the BOERenmarkt XL is all about Dutch Cuisine, a movement that puts Dutch cuisine and food culture on the map nationally and internationally, focusing on making our food consumption more sustainable. At Dutch Cuisine, fresh vegetables play a leading role and meat and fish play a supporting role. Together we approached restaurants from all provinces to show you and taste what the Netherlands has to offer. Each restaurateur will serve a dish together with his farmer (vegetables, fruit, wine, cheese, beer, meat, fish, etc.) according to the guidelines of Dutch Cuisine. Visitors can purchase a ticket strip for only € 55.00, with which all provinces present can be tasted.
The BOERenmarkt XL can be visited on Sunday from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm and on Monday from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm.
The next restaurants can be found on de BOERenmarkt XL:
De Vlindertuin, De Nieuwe Winkel, De Tuinkamer, De Zwaan, De Oesterij, Basaal, Bord’eau, De Mandemaaker, ’t Nonnetje, ROC Friese Poort, De Ganzenbar en Eindeloos.
Heeren van Harinxma, Herberg onder de Linden, Dorset, Kaatje bij de Sluis, Het Koetshuis, ROC Koning Willem I College, Katseveer, Merlet, Bentinck, Basiliek, De Bras en Boompjes.
But there is much more to see and experience during the FARMER MARKET XL! In our Secret Restaurant, you can dine 3-course at a special location. All your senses will be stimulated! On a special tour boat, test trips are provided, which can be attended free of charge, and there are also exclusive wine and whiskey tastings. During the Cheese war workshop, you will learn to pair cheese with wine or beer. The Girls of Pleasure provide animation again and De Koperen Kees (the restaurant of Theater De Spiegel) is transformed into Brass Boer, the beach restaurant of Jonnie & Thérèse on Bonaire. With local and world dishes, they give a tropical touch to the BOERenmarkt XL. Club Cele, in collaboration with Rabobank IJsseldelta, organizes an interesting meet-Up about Innovation in Food waste. And Gastronomixs provides a student class, among other things. Of course, spectacular cooking competitions cannot be lacking at a food festival. During the HillBilly Contest, 6 young talents will compete against each other in a spectacular cook-off. On Sunday they set out with a map to collect ingredients from the region and then prepare two dishes with these ingredients and two ingredients typical of their region during the cook-off on Monday from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. The jury consists of Jonnie Boer, Mac van Dinther and Thijs Meliefste (Winner 2016). The VanDrie Group Cooking Competition is all about veal, students of the ROC Sterrenklas Amsterdam will compete against each other on Sunday 9 September.